Jose Sandoval 11/30/2016

Where I would want to go is the Cretaceous Period, which was the time that Spinosaurus lived. I have loved dinosaurs since I was young and I still do. I do know that it would be dangerous if I were to go back, but to know more about dinosaurs and know how they lived and cooperated with there kind and others, how they respected each other would be amazing. Spinosaurus is the biggest dinosaur of all, he is also a theropod. Spinosaurus is a fish eater and a land eater, he mainly ate fish, one thing is that he has holes on top of his nose which meant he could easily sense fish in the water and could attack them with his claws, but when fish started dying he would go for other dinosaurs, kind of like carcharodontosaurus which both of them were enemies. The temperatures started rising up which meant that lakes, rivers, ponds started drying up so fish would start dying, so Spinosaurus would have to go on land and eat but there was also other dangerous dinosaurs. Ernst Stromer found all the bones and connected them all together in 1915 but later on they were destroyed in WWII, paleontologist just made replicas. This is where I would want to be if I was able to go back into a different period of time.


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