Santino Lopez - 11/28/16

Santino Lopez
9th Grade 
Shield Department

If I could time travel
If I could travel to any other time period and place I would go to New York in the 1940s, to observe the culture and and underground criminal organization of the time. I love to hear about how the men always dressed in suits and smoked cigars, seemed fancy. I also want to know who the leaders of territorial gangs were and how they worked. I'm sure each gang had a unique leader and way of functioning. World War Two also intrigues me, the weaponry and vehicles of the war look fascinating, I would like to know how and why they were created. 

My Day
Today felt really boring, maybe because I was on break for so long. I guess I have to get back into the grind of things! Today I did mailing and scans, the usual. I also helped Steve carry some packages to the second floor and also unpacked some pictures and plaques in the front office.    


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