Santino Lopez - 1/13/17
Santino Lopez
Shield Department
My Own Business
If I were to start my own business, it would most likely be one that involves the repairing and donating of bikes and manual transportation, such as wheelchairs. I would start the business so that people who do not have these things can have a chance to get them for free. Many kids could use a bike, to get places, to be active, or to just have fun with friends. It would be nonprofit and it would be me and a group of people finding junked bikes and wheel chairs and the parts that go to them so we can repair them and give them out.
My Day
Today I finally got through all of Steve's scans! I started working through them in September, I think, and kept doing them till now. It started out as some very large stacks but they're gone now! The bad part is, Steve's not gonna have much for me to do now. He should be able to give me the invoices to mail and some scans in the morning but I usually get through them pretty quickly, leaving me with none of his work to do. He sent me to Melanie today though, once I finished, and she had a few jobs to do. I might start going to here to get stuff done once I am finished with Steve's stuff.
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