Santino Lopez - 1/9/17
Santino Lopez
Shield Department
New Year's Resolution
My new year's resolution is to finish off my freshman year on a great note. I've been told by a lot of people that the freshman year is the most important year of high school, as it has a large effect on my grades in the later years. I'll accomplish this by studying the materials necessary to pass and to do my homework on time and to the best of my abilities. I'll ask my teachers questions and if I have to, go to one during Extra Curricular for more details about what we are learning.
My Day
Today felt like any other work day, except maybe a little faster. I started out with mailing the invoices Steve gave me, though there were less than usual, most likely because I did to a stack Friday which was not too long ago. After those Steve gave me a ton of scans that kept me busy for a good chunk of the morning, like 150+. I did stacks of scans for the rest of the day as well.
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