
Showing posts from May, 2017

Santino Lopez 5/26/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 5/26/17 My Day Thankfully, today went by pretty fast. I got here and set up my account on the computer and then went to get work from Steve. He gave me the usual invoices to mail first, but this time the folding machine was broke so I had to tri-fold most of them, after those I took up the scans all the way till lunch. After lunch I switched to the network scans and did those till around 2:50 when Steve called me over to him so I could fold some more invoices. Those didn't take too long as I didn't have to also mail them. After those I finished up the day with the blog and network scans.

Jose Sandoval 5/24/2017

A lot of things make me happy like hanging out with my family and friends. Another thing is playing my games and I spend a lot of time on it, I usually play with my friends online. Another thing that makes me happy is playing with my dogs and I like to play outside,like basketball.

Jose Sandoval 5/17/2017

This year has been going fast for me and that is good, for others they tell me that this year has been going slow for them. I don't always pay attention to the time, which is good because if I focus on the time it will go slow for me and I feel like the time is going slower for me. I'm happy the school year is almost over and can't wait to be in 10th grade.

Enrique Cordero | 05/22/2017 | Senior | IT

         Today was a challenging day of research, trial and error, and great accomplishment. In the morning, I walked in and I made a cup of coffee and organized all the clean dishes in the dish washer. When I had finished I then pursued to my desk. When I got to my desk Sean and I caught up because he wasn't here on Friday. After we had caught up, I was given my tasks for the day. The main one was to get the 3-d printer working by the end of the day. I also had a view side tasks here and there. I had to give Ashley and Christopher the computers they will use over the summer and I also helped Sean with a couple things. Thankfully, Sean bought me lunch today because mine had spoiled. After lunch I continued to research about the printer. A couple hours later I helped Ashley reset her password and Sean connect Abel's flat screen to his computer. Around 3 o'clock I had figured out how to fix the printer but it was too late to print something....

Santino Lopez 5/22/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 5/22/17 What Makes Me Happy A lot of things make me happy. Some examples would be friends, video games, other people being happy, sunny weather, food, and animals. Friends make me happy because they always make me laugh with our inside jokes and that I can trust them. Video games keep me occupied when I get bored and give me a wonderful new environment to explore. I can't really explain it, but when I see other people being happy I become happy too. I guess to me happiness and joy are contagious. The weather plays a big role in my level of joy. I sometimes enjoy rainy or cold weather, but sunny weather and clear skies always lift me up when I feel down. I'm pretty sure food would make anyone happy. I mean why not? It's something that gives you energy, fills you up, and tastes great. Finally, animals are a #1 way to get anyone out of the gutter. A video of a cat or a puppy always makes me feel fuzzy inside. Also, ...

Enrique Cordero 05-19-17 Senior IT

    I feel as though the beginning of the year was the slow part but by the second semester things picked up. This year has been a roller coaster and it has not been like any other year of high school. I would also like to mention that the year was seemed drawn out when I was at home but short at school. With UoD Mercy, school, housework, and homework spare time seemed like a luxury. These days I am mostly trying to work and make as much money as I possibly can. Today was a very relaxed but progressive day. When I came into the office Sean was not around and I remembered that he said he would not be in today. Even though Sean would not be in he left me a task list on the white board. It took me no more than an hour to finish the first task (organization). I was later to update a phone list but I could not find the key with the names and numbers to update the list in the admin database. I then was to print and object but the printer had a couple errors. It took ...

Santino Lopez 5/19/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 5/19/17 Freshman Year My first year at Cristo Rey has gone by slowly honestly. This is most likely because the school day ends at 4 instead of 3:15 like last year. Also the homework, specifically essays and projects, make me feel like time just drags on. One big part of the stretched out time would be because freshman started a whole month earlier than everybody else! We had to take classes in August to train us for our jobs and to get an early high school experience. Enrique told me that Freshman and Sophomore years are the longest and that the later years will feel faster. I'm hoping this is a fact! My Day Speaking of time taking long, today felt so sluggish. I swear it drove me crazy how it took 2 hours for a minute to pass. Anyways, nothing much happened today. I just did scans, though I only had a slight idea of what to do since Steve was out for today. Trevor took Steve's place, so when I asked for scans to...

Santino Lopez 5/12/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 5/12/17 Memory One memory that I will never forget is when my 8th grade class went on a trip to Cedar Point for the day. The 8th grade does this every year and we were able to fund raise our way there. I remember hanging out with my best friends and riding almost every roller coaster. We were unable to ride all of them because of the ridiculously long lines we'd have to wait through. All of the stuff was expensive  but I had enough money to last through the day. I actually spent around $10 on a game where you had to shoot into a basket ball hoop to win a basketball. There was a trick to it though, and it was that the square that would normally help you make it in all the time was pointless, your ball would go off course every time you hit it. I ended up winning 2 balls, a Golden State one and a Cavaliers one. When we had to leave we were supposed to be near the entrance at a specific time, and it was around 5 min till th...

5/12/17 Enrique Cordero Senior IT

  Today was a very fun day in the office. In the morning, when I walked in the office was a bit of a mess. Since I came before Sean did, I started to clean up. When Sean came in he gave me a rundown of the tasks I needed to accomplish and then I got to it. First Sean and I went to go see the new stand desk for Sylvia. Then we came back and I started to arrange all the loose ends that we had in the office. While I was arranging, Sean received a serious phone call about a problem in Lansing. Apparently, he needed to leave to Lansing for the rest of the day to help fix the solution. Throughout the day I was left to get my new computer work ready, making sure I had all the old software on the new computer, connecting the 3D printer to the new computer, organizing the office, and helping other throughout the day. As a bonus to the day we received a lunch from Ideal for the day. A memory that I will never forget is the time where I built a computer by myself. This is beca...

Idalid Hernandez 5-10-17

    One memory I won't forget is when I went to Cedar Point with my friends. When I went me and my friends rode a lot of rides and played some games as well. It was really fun hanging out a day with my friends. I hope we are able to go again this summer.

Jose Sandoval 5/8/2017

One memory that I will never forget is when I went to Disney World and I was seeing a bunch of characters perform and I went on some roller coasters. I spent a week over their, Disney World was amazing, it was one of the best trips that I have went to. After Disney we stayed a few nights at a hotel and looked around in Orlando.

Jose Sandoval 5/3/2017

A place I would like to go is to the Bahamas, it looks like an amazing place to go to and to relax. I like the ocean and I would like to see some animals and explore the ocean a bit. I would like to go with my family in the future.                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Santino Lopez 5/5/17

Santino Lopez 9th Grade Shield Department 5/5/17 Place To Visit One place that I would like to visit in the world is New York. New York seems like such a great place to visit, it's the US's hub for all kinds of cultures and has many sights to see and visit. I always wonder what kind of people I can meet there and how they would act. My friend Edward is from New York and from what he's said it's a pretty great place. Also I love the New Yorker accent, although Edward doesn't have one sadly. My Day Today I learned and matured from an experience. In the morning, when I was finished with my invoice mailing, I started on my scans but I couldn't focus, so I started to use my phone. I remember I had to text my friend something so I texted them, but I was hooked on my phone. I couldn't put it down, as I'm pretty sure my brain preferred my phone rather than scans. Rachel came over and told me to put it away, which I did. I was later moved t...

Idalid hernandez 5-3-17

  A place I would like to go to is California. I would like to visit there because it looks like a beautiful place to visit. I've always wanted to go to California as well. I also plan on living there in the future. I hope one day I get to go to California. 

Angel Jaramillo 5/2/17

I understand that we have to keep working and not waste any minute of work but I feel that we need to stop at some point because we already have lots to do when we go home. We are already worn out from working all day that we just want to use those last 5-15 minutes to chill out. But I know its important to keep working but I would just like to sit and wait for the bus.