Santino Lopez 5/12/17
Santino Lopez
9th Grade
Shield Department

One memory that I will never forget is when my 8th grade class went on a trip to Cedar Point for the day. The 8th grade does this every year and we were able to fund raise our way there. I remember hanging out with my best friends and riding almost every roller coaster. We were unable to ride all of them because of the ridiculously long lines we'd have to wait through. All of the stuff was expensive but I had enough money to last through the day. I actually spent around $10 on a game where you had to shoot into a basket ball hoop to win a basketball. There was a trick to it though, and it was that the square that would normally help you make it in all the time was pointless, your ball would go off course every time you hit it. I ended up winning 2 balls, a Golden State one and a Cavaliers one. When we had to leave we were supposed to be near the entrance at a specific time, and it was around 5 min till that time. The problem was that me and 3 other friends were across the park! We had to sprint our way there and we just barely made it in time. We were able to comfortably chill on the bus they rented, which had some cozy chairs and air conditioning.
My Day
Today felt like a very productive day, as I was able to get around 250 scans from Steve done in 1 1/2 hours! It also took me around 45 min to get through a nice stack of invoices I needed to mail. Steve ran out of stuff to give me at like 10 so he set me up with Melanie for some scans in the computer that I needed to put in Sugar. Melanie was also kind enough to offer me something to order off of a schwarma place. Though I do think someone said that Joe and Chris paid for it , I don't exactly know. Nonetheless
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