Santino Lopez 5/19/17

Santino Lopez
9th Grade
Shield Department

Freshman Year
My first year at Cristo Rey has gone by slowly honestly. This is most likely because the school day ends at 4 instead of 3:15 like last year. Also the homework, specifically essays and projects, make me feel like time just drags on. One big part of the stretched out time would be because freshman started a whole month earlier than everybody else! We had to take classes in August to train us for our jobs and to get an early high school experience. Enrique told me that Freshman and Sophomore years are the longest and that the later years will feel faster. I'm hoping this is a fact!

My Day
Speaking of time taking long, today felt so sluggish. I swear it drove me crazy how it took 2 hours for a minute to pass. Anyways, nothing much happened today. I just did scans, though I only had a slight idea of what to do since Steve was out for today. Trevor took Steve's place, so when I asked for scans to do he gave me the papers to scan. The thing is, I don't exactly know Steve's system of organization, so all I did was sort out the papers that had order/job numbers from the ones that didn't and just filed the ones that did. For the rest of the day I did the already scanned in ones in Shield for Melanie.


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