Enrique Cordero | 05/22/2017 | Senior | IT

         Today was a challenging day of research, trial and error, and great accomplishment. In the morning, I walked in and I made a cup of coffee and organized all the clean dishes in the dish washer. When I had finished I then pursued to my desk. When I got to my desk Sean and I caught up because he wasn't here on Friday. After we had caught up, I was given my tasks for the day. The main one was to get the 3-d printer working by the end of the day. I also had a view side tasks here and there. I had to give Ashley and Christopher the computers they will use over the summer and I also helped Sean with a couple things. Thankfully, Sean bought me lunch today because mine had spoiled. After lunch I continued to research about the printer. A couple hours later I helped Ashley reset her password and Sean connect Abel's flat screen to his computer. Around 3 o'clock I had figured out how to fix the printer but it was too late to print something. I then finished my day with the blog.

          What makes me happy are the people (and God) around me that give meaning to life. They show me that I have a purpose and that I am loved. I love my coworkers because they are nice and they give me work experience. I also cherish every friend and my girlfriend that I have. They make me see the fun and kind side of life that makes me love them and life. Lastly, my family is usually there for moral support. I can usually talk to everyone and just knowing that people care for me makes me happy.



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