
Showing posts from February, 2018

Lizbeth Morales 2/28/18

Today I worked and completed the excel spread sheet of Frank's Amazon Orders for 2017. I scanned papers for Sylvia. I went on a safety walk thru with Osmara. Since it’s the end of the month took down any February posters. Overall today I got to learn different tasks I had never done before.

Alexander Ramirez 02/27/18

Today was slow and steady. In the morning Julie told me that Kala isn't going to be here today so she left me some work but first Julie gave me the assignment to file paid invoices into certain file cabinets. That whole assignment took me half of the morning to do because there were at-least 6 stacks of invoices to file. It was time for Kala's assignment that was to file open invoices that were labeled Dundee and Toledo. After that, I had checks that needed to be stapled onto open invoices. It was time for my lunch break and I didn't get to finish so I decided to do the rest after my break. Once I was done with my break, I headed back to accounting and started to work on the last parts of the assignment. The assignment took me half of the afternoon. I went to ask Julie if she had anymore work for me to do and she gave me some envelopes that contained invoices that needed to be opened and stamped "received". It was a small a assignment so it didn't take long. M...

Jose Sandoval 2/27/2018

The morning started off slow like always but it got faster eventually. I worked on some scans that Steve gave me. After that I started to mail, then I separated some papers. Right after that I started to mail for the rest of the day.

Emily Barajas 2/26/18

Today went by fast since I didn't do a lot. I started off by filing papers. Then I started to create birthday cards for the month of March and mailed out a few. After lunch, I filed a few more papers and then Alex showed me more about SAP and how to post things.

Jose Sandoval 2/26/2018

Today was slow and fast, I started off my day by doing invoices and after that I asked Alex if I could do mail out some of Post Cards. I did this all day long which I still have some left to do and I still have to mail out the ones that I did today. Tomorrow I am going to finish all of them and mail them out.

Alexander Ramirez 02/26/18

Today went really fast. In the morning Julie gave me the assignment to print out Po's and tracking for 2 stacks of paid invoices. While I was doing that assignment Kayla walked over to my desk and gave me 2 stacks of invoices because she had an important meeting to attend. The stacks contained at least 30 to 40 sheets. Both of the assignments took me the rest of the morning to do. Once I was done with those assignments, I went over to Julie's desk and handed her the invoices. When she was done looking over the invoices she handed me 12 envelopes. The envelopes contained invoices that needed to be stamped "Received" and needed their Po's and tracking printed out. I finished the whole assignment and there was no time left. Over today was productive!!!

Alexander Ramirez 02/20/18

Today was simple and smooth.In the morning Kala gave me 5 stacks of paid invoices that needed to be filed into certain cabinets. The assignment took me a while to do. After that Kala gave me another assignment and it was to staple checks onto Toledo and Dundee invoices and file them into the check section of their cabinets. I only got to finish Dundee's check stack because their wasn't any folders for some of the invoices so I made some. I decided to do Toledo's stack after my lunch break. I headed back to accounting and I finished the rest of the assignment that Kala gave me. Juli gave me the next assignment, it was to open envelopes and stamp the papers that were inside of the envelopes. The stamp stated that the invoices were received and today's date. When done stamping I had to print out Po's and Tracking for a stack of Old dominion and FedEx. The assignment that Juli gave me took me the rest of the day to do. Overall, today was great!!

Lizbeth Morales 2/21/18

I started off today imputing names for Osmara in an excel spreed sheet. I organized receipts and highlighted the dates, card number, amount, and the company. I also got to met Dr.Tamer Ghanem while he visited Frank. Later continued working on the excel spreadsheet form last week of Amazon orders. 

Emily Barajas 2/20/18

Today was a simple day and didn't do a lot of work. I started off by filing papers into cabinets. When I finished that I organized receipts used with American Express cards. After I had to put the information into an excel sheet. Then Alex gave me other information to put into a separate excel sheet because it was a different card. Last Yesi gave me a lot of papers that I had to scan to put into SAP. Since I didn't get to finished them all I will continue on it next week.

Jose Sandoval 2/20/2018

My day today was quick, Once I got to my desk I asked Steve for some scans. Then he gave me some invoices, after that I worked on Melanie's scans all day which took long to finish.

Lizbeth Morales 2/14/18

My day today went by fast. The first thing I did was helped Osmara update "Meeting Minutes" document for our safety committee. We went upstairs to the bake sale Ideal Contracting had to support the American Diabetes's Association and Cancer Society. I updated  Frank's Amazon orders and helped Sylvia organize invoices in alphabetical order.

Alexander Ramirez 02/13/18

Today was fast and simple. In the morning Kala gave me the assignment to file 5 stacks of paid invoices and what I needed to do was file the paid invoices into file cabinets that were assigned to. That assignment took me around half of the morning to do. When I was done with Kala's work, Julie gave me envelopes that needed to be glued and stamped. It didn't take me long to finish. There was about 30 minutes till my lunch break so Kala gave me open invoices that needed to be organized alphabetically and by date. I didn't finish what she gave me so I decided to do the rest after my break. After I was done with my break I headed back to accounting and noticed that there were a another stack of open invoices that needed to be organized. I finished organizing both of them and put the two stacks together and started to file the open invoices into the Ideal Shield cabinet. After that, Julie gave me envelopes that contained invoices that needed drop ships printed out but first I ha...

Jose Sandoval 2/13/2018

Today was a quick day, I came in and grabbed the invoices that Steve had left me. Right after that he gave me some scans to do which was the same thing I did last week. Then Mel gave me some of her scans which I did on Sugar, then I divided some papers and put them in order from 3. I then helped out Mel for the rest of the day doing scans

Jose Sandoval 2/6/2018

Once I got to my desk, I put my things down and went to Steve's desk. I grabbed the invoices that were left and I mailed them out. After that Steve gave me more and I mailed those out as well, Afterwards he gave me some scans which I put them in the 2018 Sales Order folder. Then Melanie gave me some scans to do for the rest of the day. I then switched to Steve again and I started to type my blog to finish up for the day.

Alexander Ramirez 02/06/18

Today went pretty fast. In the morning Julie gave me 5 stacks of paid invoices to file into the cabinets. Each stack had an assigned company to file in. That assignment took me half an hour to do. Kayla gave me the next assignment and that was to print out PO's and see if invoices have been delivered.I did half of  Kayla's assignment which took me the rest of the morning to do. It was time for my break. When I was done with my lunch break I headed back to accounting and started to work on the assignment again. The rest of the assignment was easy I only needed to print out the tracking for the ones that were delivered. Once I was done with that Kayla gave me two envelopes which contained paid invoices that needed to be stamped. I was done with that and only an hour remained. Kayla gave me checks for DUNDEE and TOLEDO, I needed to staple these checks onto paid invoices. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. Overall,today was a 10!! 

Emily Barajas 2/6/18

today I started off by mailing birthday cards like I do every week. then I also started organizing American express papers and receipts. after I scanned a few papers. in the afternoon I mostly worked on organizing file folders and taking the ones that were terminated out.