Alexander Ramirez 02/13/18

Today was fast and simple. In the morning Kala gave me the assignment to file 5 stacks of paid invoices and what I needed to do was file the paid invoices into file cabinets that were assigned to. That assignment took me around half of the morning to do. When I was done with Kala's work, Julie gave me envelopes that needed to be glued and stamped. It didn't take me long to finish. There was about 30 minutes till my lunch break so Kala gave me open invoices that needed to be organized alphabetically and by date. I didn't finish what she gave me so I decided to do the rest after my break. After I was done with my break I headed back to accounting and noticed that there were a another stack of open invoices that needed to be organized. I finished organizing both of them and put the two stacks together and started to file the open invoices into the Ideal Shield cabinet. After that, Julie gave me envelopes that contained invoices that needed drop ships printed out but first I had to stamp each of the invoices stating that they were received. Once I was done stamping I started to print out Drop ships. I only got done with the FedEx stack and didn't have to finish the other stack of invoices. Overall, today was productive!!!


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