Alexander Ramirez 02/27/18

Today was slow and steady. In the morning Julie told me that Kala isn't going to be here today so she left me some work but first Julie gave me the assignment to file paid invoices into certain file cabinets. That whole assignment took me half of the morning to do because there were at-least 6 stacks of invoices to file. It was time for Kala's assignment that was to file open invoices that were labeled Dundee and Toledo. After that, I had checks that needed to be stapled onto open invoices. It was time for my lunch break and I didn't get to finish so I decided to do the rest after my break. Once I was done with my break, I headed back to accounting and started to work on the last parts of the assignment. The assignment took me half of the afternoon. I went to ask Julie if she had anymore work for me to do and she gave me some envelopes that contained invoices that needed to be opened and stamped "received". It was a small a assignment so it didn't take long. My next assignment was to staple checks onto scrap paper and was told to leave a bit room so the spare paper can get hole punched. Overall, today was alright.


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