Alexander Ramirez 02/06/18

Today went pretty fast. In the morning Julie gave me 5 stacks of paid invoices to file into the cabinets. Each stack had an assigned company to file in. That assignment took me half an hour to do. Kayla gave me the next assignment and that was to print out PO's and see if invoices have been delivered.I did half of  Kayla's assignment which took me the rest of the morning to do. It was time for my break. When I was done with my lunch break I headed back to accounting and started to work on the assignment again. The rest of the assignment was easy I only needed to print out the tracking for the ones that were delivered. Once I was done with that Kayla gave me two envelopes which contained paid invoices that needed to be stamped. I was done with that and only an hour remained. Kayla gave me checks for DUNDEE and TOLEDO, I needed to staple these checks onto paid invoices. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. Overall,today was a 10!! 


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