Jaquelin Roblero 10/30/2018

When I got here Melanie told me what I was going to do today. She said I was going to work on invoices and tri-fold papers since the folding machine is still not working and see what else Steve had for me to do. After she told me this i went to my desk and put the invoices into envelopes and sent them out after wards. When I finished with the invoices Steve gave me scans to do and so I took out the staples and gave the papers back to Steve so that he could scan them and I worked on scans for most of the day. Then after lunch Steve came over with some papers that Melanie wanted me to tri-fold and so I did and I put the scans aside for a bit. When I finished folding I gave the papers to Melanie and got back to the scans. After I finished the scans Steve gave me more invoices and I finished them and mailed them out. Overall, today was a good and productive day.


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