Chris Lara- 9/3/13

Chris Lara- 9/3/13
The first day is my favorite day, but you’ll like the second one even better.
Today was the first day of my Ideal internship. This is my second year at Detroit Cristo Rey and now I am a sophomore. Detroit Cristo Rey has a corporate work- study program where you go to work to help pay off your school tuition. This year I am working with Sylvia and Amanda in Administration. I am hoping for the best and I will do all I can to make sure I learn new ideas. Also, we have two new interns that are going to be working at The Ideal Group. They are Jacqueline Perez and Richard Zarate.
I got into the office and I checked my email. Sylvia had sent me some documents to print and put in a folder for Frank. Right after I completed that, Sylvia walked in, and I greeted her. We talked about my tasks, and how to complete them. I had to complete an expense report, create a storyboard for Cadillac Urban Gardens, and collect mailing information for some volunteers. The expense report was a breeze, and I like doing those types of jobs. So then I moved onto the storyboard. The storyboard was a collection of photos with short captions describing the picture. Then the storyboard could be put up for advertisement. I made a short six picture collage and placed very small descriptions with each one, I made it so anyone could modify the storyboard easily.
 After that was done, I went to lunch with Sylvia. We talked about our day so far, and what was next on our agenda. Sylvia said that we should go to the garden, pick up some vegetables, and create tasks of things that are needed in the garden. We got a good yield of corn and other veggies. We brought these back and placed them on the kitchen table for other employees to take.

I then went back to my desk and moved onto small tasks from there, I updated the Master File for Cadillac Urban Gardens (CUGM), contacted volunteers for information, emailed some acquaintances, and taught Jackie how to use Blogger. I think today was productive enough for a first day. 


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