Jacqueline Perez 09.09.2013 2nd day

Today is my second day working at Ideal Group and it has been great. Tomorrow I will be coming in again as well, since today was my Monday rotation. It’s an awesome experience so far. I have realized that I need to be a little more open and not as shy. It takes me a little while for me to open up to others. Today I met new people and will be meeting more in the future. I will try to be less shy and a little more open. My head did hurt a little today but I didn’t complain and finished my job. I worked with Jennifer a lot today and learned new things. I opened mail, sorted it, and filed. It not as hard as it seems, you just have to get the hang of it. I’m still working in accounting and the people here are awesome. I do plan on being in another department later on in the future. I feel that accounting isn’t really my thing. I had a good day and hopefully will have another great one tomorrow.


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