Good Friday

My day went great today at ideal. I walked in and they told me they had my email
ready. So, for almost four years I finally get one. I was excited I can’t lie, but I also needed for a job that Bob had me do, and in order to finish it I had to have an email. Bonnie showed me how to use it and at last I was sending Kevin he’s businesses card over email. When I was done with the cards Maria had material checks for me, so I did them right away.
Lunch came and I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When I was done eating I continued working. I had invoices to found since I didn’t fond them, once I found the invoices I gave them to Maria and finished my task. Bob and I had a little talk before he was going out. We talked about getting me to work out to the field with Warren Tech this summer, after I heard that, I got pumped up and can’t wait for the summer to work, I’m looking forward to it.
When I was done talking to Bob started to file PDPM and hard dollar folders, it was a lot to file, so I knew it was going to take me the whole afternoon. Once I was done filing I started scanning cards for Bob. Overall, my day went great.

Jose Patino


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