Today was a great day at Ideal. I came in today and started to file PDPM and hard dollar folders. It took me a while since it was a lot of folders. Once I was done filing I went to my computer and checked my mail. Bonnie wanted me to make posters for Jeans Day. I made one and printed a few. Bonnie told me to put them up Monday, so I put them on my desk. When I was done, I started to scan business cards for Bob.
Lunch came and they brought pizza. I enjoyed it. When I was done eating, I continued scanning cards. Through out the day Bonnie wanted me to mail out invoices that needed to be signed. When I was done mailing them out, Frank wanted me to go to his office. I went downstairs but he was in a meeting so I waited untill he was free. He gave me a watch, which I loved. I always say that you got to love the people who take their own time on you, and I really do appreciate it a lot. I said thank you and went back work. Overall, my day went great.

Jose Patino


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