3/17/15 by Richard Zarate

 Today was a normal day for me, I checked my email and Amanda told me my tasks for today. I went to go talk to Virginia about some scans. I scanned some purchase orders to myself and Callan taught me how to use the PDF Split. I did the scans and saved them onto the network and sugar. Once I finished, Virginia checked a few of the scans and told me I did a great job. I worked on a mailer list from last week and finished it. I put the labels on the postcards and mailed them out.
 During lunch, I did a few homework assignments. I also counted and fed the fishes. After lunch I asked Alex for some work and she gave me a mailer list to do. While I was working on the mailers, Amanda asked me to get her a bag from her car. After I came back, I continued to work on the mailers until the end of the day. My day was pretty good today.

  During the weekend, the Kinematic Wolves played in WoodHaven High school. We were in 14th place in the qualifying round, but were able to make an alliance and got 5th place in the playoffs. It was an amazing experience, being a rookie team and achieving what we have done. This was a terrific rookie year for the Kinematic Wolves.
  What do I plan on doing for spring break? I want to work at Ideal for at least 2 days so I can make some money. But the one thing I really want to do is to go fishing. I didn't get to go fishing last year and I regret it. I love being outdoors and fishing as well. I plan on going to Huroc Park with my brother and cousin to go fishing. I want to catch mostly catfish this year, so hopefully I catch a big one.


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