A Slow Day by Richard Zarate

 Today was a slow day for me. When I got here, I checked my email and Alex didn't leave me any work. I asked Amanda for some work and she didn't have anything for me, I went upstairs to help with some filing and I put away some stacks of paper. After I finished, I took down some of the flyers for the clean up. Virginia gave me some work and I worked on it until lunch.
  After lunch, I told Sylvia that I was having a slow day and she gave me some work to do. She gave me some papers to scan. After I finished, I continued to work on Virginia's task. After I finished, I didn't have anything else to do. I told Amanda that I was going to go fishing on Thursday. She told me to write a blog about it. I started to write my blog.

  What's the difference between fishing for catfish and other species? Catching catfish isn't easy,  if you don't have patience, then don't try to catch catfish. You'll need a lot of patience because catfish don't bite constantly. You'll usually need to fish at night if you want to catch more catfish because they eat more during night. They're many types of catfish in America, the three main one's are Blue, Channel, and Flathead Catfish. You won't be able to catch Blue Catfish in Michigan, but you can catch Flathead and Channel Catfish. Flathead Catfish usually eat live bait. They won't try to eat fake bait or dip bait. You'll need a strong fishing rod because your not going to want your rod to break.


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