Jackie - 3/19/2015 Drive Around Neighborhood

Jacqueline Perez
March 19, 2015
Drive Around Neighborhood
Today was a very productive day for myself and the gardens. I went on a drive around the neighborhood with Sarah Clark and Christopher, to get some tasks and future plans established. I did a couple things for Sylvia back at the office as well.
In the morning I wrote out the Madrina Luncheon Minutes, which happened on Saturday. The luncheon went really well and we got lots of ideas from our Madrinas this year. I also did an hour and a half of scanning for the Shield’s sales department. Some documents had to be mailed to the DACA attorney and I took care of those as well.

In the afternoon I went on the drive around the neighborhood that lead to many ideas, plans and task finalization. There will be a clean up on March 28th and we established some tasks that need to be ready for that day. We chose the places for the dumpsters, where the street needs to be cleaned, and some garden tasks. In Scarcyny the soil needs to be turned and the fence on the signage needs to be fixed. We also visited CUGM and laid out the plans for the vegetables/fruits to be set at. When I came back to the office I also got tips and ideas for the gardens from my coworkers and it looks like this year will be one of our best gardening seasons.


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