Jacqueline Perez -Innovation Room

Jacqueline Perez
January 29, 2016
Innovation Room
It was around 7:15am this morning and I has just arrived to school when I received a text message from Sylvia saying I had to join Pat Wells in building B. That insinuated that there was something big going on because I never work back there. I arrived to work and I got a run thru about what was going to happen today. Ideal Group employees from different locations in the company came to Ideal for a “Frank Meeting” . This meeting was to have more recent employees have a better understanding of the company, get feedback from them and to learn about what goes on and what happens in the community.

Today was a real eye opener for me because I could see how a good company should run. Frank really followed the same regimen as I have been taught in my organization of business class at UDM. I have been taught that a good structured company should have a good relationship with its employees. I could really see that here at Ideal and I see it being implemented everyday. I am proud to say that I am intern at Ideal Group because I learn more and more everyday.


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