Memorable Moment - 1/11/2016

Jacqueline Perez
January 11, 2016
Most Memorable Moment of 2016
I had lots of great experiences in 2015, but one stood out more than the rest. I went on vacation to Texas for about a week and a half. I didn’t expect to stay there that long, but I’m glad we did. On the second to last day we went to Galveston Island, which is a small island off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. I had never been to see the ocean or anywhere near salt water so it was an amazing experience for me.

I always wanted to go to the beach and this day we had spent all day there will all my extended family. There also wasn’t that many people on the beach which made it more calming. I had been stressed over work, scholarships, and the upcoming school year. That day was the most relaxed day I had had in months, maybe even year. I am happy I got to experience that and it’s something I look forward to doing again.  


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