4/18/16 by Richard Zarate

                Today was the juniors’ rotating Monday to work.  When I arrived to the office, I said hi to Pat and Osmara. I went to Surplus, changed into my work clothes, and went on to find Keith. Keith had me work with Jackie on receiving items. While I was working, I met Sharon, another Surplus member. I was able to get a lot of items into our system before lunch. After lunch, I ran into Frank and shook his hand. Frank also gave me an Ideal Contracting hat as well. After lunch, I went back and continued to work on receiving. My day went by fast but was very productive.

                On April 11th, 2016, the Juniors of Detroit Cristo Rey took the SAT. What did I think about the SAT? I believed I did well in the SAT. I had a better feeling then when I took the ACT. I reviewed some of my practice guides that our teacher gave us and I made sure I had a good night rest before the exam. I felt good in every section of the exam and the essay topic was pretty straightforward for me. Now it’s the most anxious part of exams, waiting for the test scores.


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