Jacqueline Perez - Goals and Strategies

Jacqueline Perez
March 21, 2016

Goals and strategies can easily be misinterpreted for each other. Goals are the result or end product that a person wishes to reach. Goals are also the focus on the mission of a person because it determines how the mission will be fulfilled. The strategy is the steps on how the goals will be accomplished. Goals and strategy go hand in hand, but they aren’t necessarily the same. Goals are the end result or endpoint, while strategy is determining on how it will get to the end result.

One of my goals is to finish my first year of college debt free. A strategy I have applied to accomplish this goal is to get good grades. By getting good grades, colleges and universities offer me more money and the scholarship stays consistent. I also decided to apply to many outside scholarships because they can be applied towards any school. Another way to achieve the debt free goal is to calculate how much a semester or year it would cost for the schools i'm looking at because I can get a sense on what needs to be paid out of pocket. I will accomplish my goal by staying true to my strategies.


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