
Showing posts from March, 2018

Lizbeth Morales

Today I started off as usual, updating the interns board and the safety walk throughs'. Then I organized aw ards, pictures, paintings, and etc in a storage area. After I went over to help Melanie, and got to talk to her. I learned that she is the one who prints out all the labels for all the packa ging orders along with Steve. Lastly, I placed a number on items that were ordered in Frank’s office. Ove rall today went by fast like most days.

Alexander Ramirez 03/27/18

Today went by fast. In the morning Kala gave me two stacks of invoices that needed to be filed into their assigned folder. Didn't take me long to do. Once I was done with Kala's  assignment  she had gave me another assignment and that was to staple checks onto open invoices. There were stacks over stacks of checks to staple. The assignment took me half of the whole morning to finish. I headed back to my seat and sat down for a bit from all the standing I did . Kala gave me 4  a stack of invoices that needed only there drop ships to be printed out. It was time for my lunch break. Once I was done with my break I headed back to Accounting and to see that have more stack of invoices. I got finished with Julie's assignment and started to work on Kala's but I had only little time left to finish it. The stack that Kala gave me needed their tracking numbers found, drop ships printed out and seeing if any of them were delivered. I only got the drop ships and fi...

Jose Sandoval 3/27/2018

I started off by doing scans in the morning for Melanie and I mailed some papers for Alex. After that I worked on some more scans for the rest of the day.

Alexander Ramirez 03/26/18

Today was very busy. In the morning Kala gave me my first assignment of the day and that was to file open invoices into their assigned cabinet. My brother, Enrique, helped file so it didn't take me that much time to do it. After that I had to open envelopes and organize all the mail by company. One of the envelopes had Dundee and Toledo checks so I stopped organizing and went straight to stapling D/T invoices onto the checks. It took me a while to finish. I went back to organizing and when I was done I decided to print out PO's for the invoices that needed one before my lunch break. After my lunch break, I headed back to Accounting and worked on printing out tracking for the two stacks of invoices. I didn't get to finish because there weren't that much time left and had to start on my blog. Overall today was great!!!

Jose Sandoval 3/26/2018

I started off my day by doing invoices, right after that Steve gave me some scans. Right after that it was invoices again. Melanie then gave me some papers to rearrange, she then gave me FedEx papers and I had to put them in order from number, last thing was doing scans on Sugar.

Christian Perales 3-23-18

Today was a busy day for me. In the morning I had issues with my computer so I had to call Awecomm. After I got that issue settles I began to catch up on my work. I started doing scans when Joe told me I was going to go with Sabrina and Rachel to Cristo Rey for a Safe Driving presentation. The presentation was good and I learned a surprising statistic. It was that 1.3 million people die from distracted driving a year, and out of the 1.3 million, 45% of them are teenagers. Things like that are very serious and should be taken more seriously. After i came back from the presentation, I got right back to work. Steve Pedley had me split files, rename them, put them into FabSuite and then rename those files. I also did the same thing for Taha. The task was time consuming but I was able to get it all done. Today, like most work days, was a good day!

Oscar Jimenez 3/22/18

Today was a busy day. I cam in and started working on scanners like normally. After that Steve Pedley gave me a new assignment which was to look at the contract drawings and FabSuite and make sure that the revisions were up to date, then I combined the files and moved them to a different file. Then I helped Alex labeling the mailers and stamping them. Finally I finished the rest of the scanners.It was a busy day

Lizbeth Morales 3/21/18

Today I started off helping Melanie and Steve mail invoices and mailers. I then checked for new Amazon orders and updated the interns board. Lastly I helped Sylvia file, alphabetize, and scan papers.  Overall my day went by fast. 

03/20/18 Alexander Ramirez

Today was simple. My first assignment in the morning was to file paid invoices in to the file cabinets that they were assigned to. There were 6 stacks of invoices that needed filing and it took me half of the morning to do. My next assignment of the morning was to open envelopes and stamp them each invoice with today's date and staying that they were received. That assignment took me rest of the morning to do. It was time for my lunch break and decided to do the checks that Kala gave me after lunch. I headed back to accounting started to staple the checks onto Toledo or Dundee invoices. It took me a while to do because some of the open invoices didn't have a folder so I had to make folders. Once I was done with that Kala asked Theresa if I could do anything for her and Theresa did have something. I was to organize these Certificates for Insurances. One pile for expired certificates and one pile for the active ones. Once I was done with that Theresa reminded me how to scan. I ha...

Jose Sandoval 3/20/2018

I went to Steve's desk and grabbed the invoices he left me. Right after he gave me some scans to do and it lasted till lunch. Melanie then gave me some papers to rearrange and after that she sent me some scans to do.

Emily Barajas 3/20/18

Today I really didn't do much. Pretty much all day I had to move boxes from Alex and Yesi's office to the room where all the files are. After I moved every box, I put 2017 terminated files in one specific cabinet. When I was finished with that part I then moved some other terminated files into another cabinet so that they wont be so squished. After, I had to undo the boxes and flatten them out so they can put them away. Last I labeled all the Cabinets by last name.

Christian Perales 3/16/18

Today had a normal start to my workday. When I came in I talked to those in Admin, Pat, Osmara and Rossie. I came to my desk, said good morning to all the Steel guys and began to work. I always start my work day with scans, and when I finish I ask Steve Pedley for what to do next. Today he gave me the task of editing the names of files in FabSuite for the current jobs. The task took up the rest of the day because there were a lot of details in the new jobs.

Emily Barajas 3/13/18

Today was a really simple day. I did everything I'm used to doing. I started off by printing Amex papers and putting the information on an excel sheet. Then Yesi gave me a few papers to attach into SAP. I also mailed out birthday cards. In the afternoon Alex showed me a new way I will process master card information since things were changed. After I sent a few emails with an excel sheet to people. Last, I created new folders for new hires and pulled out other folders because they were re-hires.

Jose Sandoval 3/13/2108

I started off by doing invoices which took me about two hours to finish them, when I was mailing them I only took about ten minutes. After that I went to Steve and asked him for more work, he then gave me scans which I did about 140. Mel then gave me some papers to arrange and to take the staples out.

Alexander Ramirez 03/13/18

Today was very fast. In the morning Kala told me that she will be leaving early today so she gave me assignments before she left. The first assignment she gave to me was to file last weeks paid invoices and there were two stacks of them. One was Ideal Shield and the other Ideal Steel. It took me an hour to do the first assignment. The last assignment she gave me was a 100+ paper stack of invoices that needed their tracking numbers found and dropships and tracking that needed to be printed out. What I did first was find all of the tracking numbers. Took a few hours to do. It was close to my lunch break so I deiced to do the dropships before going to lunch. Once I was done with all that I headed for my lunch break. I came back to accounting and only 2 hours left, I rushed to print out the tracking. I didn't finish the assignment but I got most of it done. Overall, today was productive!!   


Today was a normal work day. I was dropped off by a different car than the last as the school is inconsistent in what driver I get. I came in put my lunch in the fridge and said hi to the steel guys. There was a lot of snacks from leftover St. Patrick day celebrations so I helped myself. I started doing the shippers and scanning them in. I did that for the rest of the day. 

Lizbeth Morales 3-7-18

This week was different, because I got to do different projects. I started off updating the Interns board and the Amazon excel sheet list. Osmara gave me anther project, to translate a safety presentation from English to Spanish.  I also had a meeting with Frank, Gary, and Curtis about an upcoming opportunity for our the  Robotics team. Lastly, Frank gave us each a drone to understand how they work. Overall I got to work different tasks and it was a productive day.

Alexander Ramirez 03/6/18

Today was fast and smooth. In the morning Kala gave me a assignment and that was to file 4 stacks of  paid invoices into the file cabinets that they were assigned to. When I was done filing the paid invoices, Kala gave me 5 stacks of open invoices that needed filing. While filing I had to make folders for the ones that didn't have one. Once I was done I headed to Kala and she gave me the last assignment for filing and that was to staple checks to open invoices that were categorized as either "Toledo" or "Dundee". The 3 assignments that Kala gave me took the whole morning. Before going on my lunch break Kala gave me 3 stacks of invoices that needed tracking, dropships, etc. I did 1/3 of the assignment and decided to go take my break. I headed back to accounting and started to work on the rest of the assignment. It took me the rest of the day to finish. Overall, today was perfect!!!

Jose Sandoval 3/6/2018

Once I sat at my desk, I went to Steve's desk and grabbed the invoices that he left me. Once I finished them I mailed them out with some postcards as well. Right after I got some scans it took me the whole day to finish them.