03/20/18 Alexander Ramirez

Today was simple. My first assignment in the morning was to file paid invoices in to the file cabinets that they were assigned to. There were 6 stacks of invoices that needed filing and it took me half of the morning to do. My next assignment of the morning was to open envelopes and stamp them each invoice with today's date and staying that they were received. That assignment took me rest of the morning to do. It was time for my lunch break and decided to do the checks that Kala gave me after lunch. I headed back to accounting started to staple the checks onto Toledo or Dundee invoices. It took me a while to do because some of the open invoices didn't have a folder so I had to make folders. Once I was done with that Kala asked Theresa if I could do anything for her and Theresa did have something. I was to organize these Certificates for Insurances. One pile for expired certificates and one pile for the active ones. Once I was done with that Theresa reminded me how to scan. I had to scan all of the expired certificates. The assignment took me the rest of the day to do. Overall, today was fun!


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