Alexander Ramirez 03/13/18

Today was very fast. In the morning Kala told me that she will be leaving early today so she gave me assignments before she left. The first assignment she gave to me was to file last weeks paid invoices and there were two stacks of them. One was Ideal Shield and the other Ideal Steel. It took me an hour to do the first assignment. The last assignment she gave me was a 100+ paper stack of invoices that needed their tracking numbers found and dropships and tracking that needed to be printed out. What I did first was find all of the tracking numbers. Took a few hours to do. It was close to my lunch break so I deiced to do the dropships before going to lunch. Once I was done with all that I headed for my lunch break. I came back to accounting and only 2 hours left, I rushed to print out the tracking. I didn't finish the assignment but I got most of it done. Overall, today was productive!!   


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