Alexander Ramirez 03/26/18

Today was very busy. In the morning Kala gave me my first assignment of the day and that was to file open invoices into their assigned cabinet. My brother, Enrique, helped file so it didn't take me that much time to do it. After that I had to open envelopes and organize all the mail by company. One of the envelopes had Dundee and Toledo checks so I stopped organizing and went straight to stapling D/T invoices onto the checks. It took me a while to finish. I went back to organizing and when I was done I decided to print out PO's for the invoices that needed one before my lunch break. After my lunch break, I headed back to Accounting and worked on printing out tracking for the two stacks of invoices. I didn't get to finish because there weren't that much time left and had to start on my blog. Overall today was great!!!


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