2~6~13 : Today's Adventures

Today as I walked into Ideal I was ready for my tasks. I knew Sylvia wasn’t going to be in and Amanda told me that Osmara was going to be in the office all day. So with that information I knew that this wasn’t going to be an ordinary day. I also brought a cheesecake to work so anybody with a sugar tooth could get some.
When I entered the ADMIN office I saw Amanda Schmidke and Osmara Zarate at their desks. I was happy to annoy them both while assisting them in their work. I said, “Hello!” to both of them and went to my computer. I tried to log on but I forgot my password! I was stuck there for a couple of minutes when I remembered it. I couldn’t believe I forgot something as simple as that but I could remember dozens of numbers for a test. When I got onto my computer I checked my e-mail only to see a lot of unnecessary messages. Many messages were general “for the company” statements made by other coworkers but some were important. I also receive “Group Scoops” from Catherine McClary talking about recent news regarding the company or some recent activities. I love reading these articles because they are very interesting and well written. 
I also received an email from Amanda about some invitations that were supposed to be delivered. I got a list and checked to make sure everything was correct. Then I was to make labels for the nominees but my mind was a bit rusty so I asked someone with experience with this. Osmara had made hundreds of labels before so I asked her for some assistance. She gladly helped me and I learned how to make labels clearly. After some struggle with the document and printer we finally managed to get everything done and just in time for Osmara and Amanda to leave. They were going to a tour of Marygrove College to find out some information. While they went to that I went to Accounting and asked Sean if he needed anything. He said he wanted me to work on some invoices. He handed me a stack of invoices to get to work on. Later I got to finish and went on a lunch break.
On the lunch break I had a sandwich with some baby carrots. The conference room was occupied so I went to the second lobby room. It was empty so I took my opportunity and went to eat. While I ate I checked some mail on my Chrome book. I didn’t have much to do during my break so I just rested my eyes. Little did I know that when you rest your eyes you fall into a huge drift of sleep. I woke up just in time for my break to end and I went back to my desk.
Later Amanda and Osmara came back looking happy with the tour. They had experienced a lot and got many of their questions answered. They wanted to try my cheesecake so I brought them a slice each. I thought I did an okay job but they both liked it a lot. I felt really good about my baking education and went back to work.
After many of my tasks completed I talked to Osmara about future plans like the weekend. By asking her some questions I noticed that she had plans coming up that sounded pretty exciting. I finished my day up with a smile and I am anticipating coming back.


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