3~4~13 : Many Events and a Good Work Day

My day at Ideal:
Today as I started off I went to my desk in the ADMIN office. I saw Amanda and greeted her. She was on the phone so I held off on the greetings and logged onto my computer. I knew I wouldn’t see Sylvia because she had an incident but we will all be thinking of her. So as I set up I got straight to work.
I checked my mail and saw what I had to do. I had a lot of mail from other co-workers about sales and pictures. I pay little attention to those but since they are not for me I just skip them. While I was doing this Sylvia called Amanda. Sylvia told Amanda what I was supposed to do which was to complete some spreadsheets and send some invitations through e-mail. I was really happy to hear from Sylvia because she was going to go into surgery and I wasn’t going to communicate with her for at least one week. I continued my work when the phone call ended.
Later, I finished my tasks and went onto a job at Accounting. Sean had me file and staple invoices. I was halfway done when Amanda was urging me to go to lunch. I didn’t want to go but she ripped me away from my job.
I went to the vending machine out in the shop and bought a Diet Pepsi. I then marched into the conference room and placed my lunch with my laptop onto the table. I was ready to eat. I ate a sandwich with some chips and Pepsi to drink. I watched some YouTube videos while I ate. When I was finished I went back to work.
The rest of the day I finished some tasks I made for myself to keep me busy and then went on to do great things. I was very happy to be a part of the lives of people today.
            At the “clean-up” on Merritt Street:
            On Saturday, March 2, 2013 I went to an event on Merritt Street. It was a “clean-up” to improve the environment for the community. It was a couple of hours long but felt like minutes. Many people from different organizations came like buildOn. One of my peers came with me named Daniela Garcia. She was a good friend to come. We split up into groups and conquered the street and helped the world. Even the smallest duties make the largest impact.
            We were to go down Merritt Street and pick up trash on the curb, sidewalk, or street. I was working with Daniela and Ryan VanTassel. Ryan, being a volunteer, has been with Scarcyny and Cadillac Urban Gardens from their start. We picked up about ten bags of trash! Now I think that is a great impact on the environment.
            At noon the volunteers went back to garden and had a light lunch. The lunch consisted of burritos and soda provided by “Honey Bee Market”. The food was great and many people enjoyed it. After lunch everyone packed up and left home. That was a great start to this year’s events. I had a great time and hope to be a participant in the up-coming events.


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