Ideal today!!!!

On my way towards the front door I saw that the Admin office lights were off. At first, I started to think that Amanda Schmidke wasn’t at work today which was something unusual. When I put my foot inside the building I then realized that she was in the weekly marketing meeting on Fridays. I then headed towards the accounting office and said hello to my fellow co-worker. Everyone was in their seats but the room seemed different since Kelly started working for Ideal Setech.
                My morning was same as always I started to do my billing for Ideal Setech, but was happy to know that I didn’t have to do the billing for one of our department since it was already finished. So, my billing was done very quickly and I got started on some filing and then went to lunch. At lunch I went to the fridge and I couldn’t help but notice that my bag was smaller than before. I opened my bag and saw that my sandwich was half the size it used to be. I was really mad, but I got over it when I saw there was some trail mix in the bag. I went on to watch some videos on my phone and that was pretty much my whole lunch. After, I headed back to talk to Jennifer about my next task but she said to work with Sean for the rest of the day.
                Working with Sean was very exciting since I haven’t worked for him in a few years. My first task was to match invoices and then put them into our system. It was nice to do something I had done my freshmen year it made me feel like it was the first day working here. After, that I helped Sean with his checks and spent a few hours in the back room by myself. Afterwards, I went to go see Amanda, and she looked great as always she told me to break down some boxes for here so I did. We then started a conversation about how I did on the ACT and how school was going. I told her I was confident that I did well and went back to work. I helped Sean for the rest of my day and had a fun time. Overall my day went really great and I can’t wait for the next.

-Jose Perez


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