
I had an ok day at Ideal today. At the beginning of my day I came in, put my lunch in the fridge, and got situated at my desk. Then I walked around the office looking for any work I could do for somebody. Nobody had anything for me so I called Gary from Surplus to see if he had anything for me. In deed he had something for me. So he came straight over to my desk from the back building and told me everything I had to do for him. He gave me two sheets of paper of inventory products and asked me to mark each of the quantity values on the computer as zero.


I got started on that and within no time I was finished with the first packet he gave me. After the first packet it was my lunch hour. I had an Italian sub. After my lunch I got started on the second packet Gay wanted me to do. I was focused on doing my work and then Michael from sales came over and asked me what I was doing so I further explained it to him and he said "if you’re putting them as zeros then were selling a lot of products." Then I thought to myself, he’s right we are selling a lot of products if I’m putting zero's for all these products. After my little thought I continued on to my work. I'm not finished with the second packet but I’m on page 5 of 6. So I’m almost done with it. Over all my day was fine.




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