5~1~13 : A Tricky Volunteer Group

I walked into Ideal today saying, “Today is going to be a good day!” I knew that I was going to accomplish many tasks today but I didn’t know what my setting was going to be like. I walked into the building and my day was born.
                I didn’t see anyone in the ADMIN office but I did see that Amanda’s belongings were on her desk. Then, I went to my desk and logged onto my computer while I struggled to take off my jacket. After I was at my desk I saw Amanda come in with a very bright dress. It was a nice dress to see because it made me feel good that it is spring. The color seemed to be glowing off of the dress and into the spiritual being that opens the hearts and minds of the low and unhappy creatures that walk past her. I said my daily greetings and went on to my email.
                After some time I went to the restroom to get changed and get ready for my trip to the garden, Cadillac Urban Gardens. I left with Sylvia and she dropped me off. She went with Sarah and I around the garden to discuss some things that needed attending. She then left when the students from the University Preparatory Academy arrived. The Students got out of the bus and entered the garden where Sarah and I greeted them with warm hearts. We introduced ourselves and got to work. I took some students to cut some chives and bundle them up. There were many bundles of chives and I made sure everyone got some. Then I went to cut some kale leaves and helped Sarah out. Some of the kids were a bit tired but I was able to lift their damaged spirits with setting an example. I made everyone help out with an easy task and that was to clean the shed. We got it done and by the time we finished, it was time for lunch.
                The kids had lunch while Sarah and I put everything away. After the kids were done, Sarah asked everyone to gather around for a group photo. I was in it and I felt proud. Then Sarah directed everyone to Scarcyny Park for a quick tour. We all went down the street and sat at the tables. Sarah and I gave a small explanation of the park. After that I went to look at some of the flowers. The flowers were a bright yellow and red. These colors were so beautiful that I didn’t know that they were of this world. Colors so bright that only cannot be described in words.  The red tulips were like a high fire being fed gasoline only making it brighter and the yellow tulips looked like miniature suns blinding you with the gift that Mother Nature has provide. The bus came and I left back to the garden. Sarah drove me back and I had lunch.
                I had a sandwich and chips with some candy. While I was eating, Osmara came in we talked until she went back to work.  I talked about what I was doing and what I will be doing and I asked her the same. It is very easy to start a conversation with Osmara but not very easy to end since she is such an interesting person to be around. I finished my lunch and went back to work.
                I went to marketing, signed in, and worked there for the rest of my day. Then Sylvia came to me to discuss some things that need to be taken care of. My first priority was to get the bird house up. I went to talk to Abel about it and he sent out one of his co-workers to help me. We drove to Scarcyny Park where the sun was frying us to a crisp. We got the bird house up and I took some pictures. It looked very suitable for Scarcyny and I hope bluebirds come to this house of theirs.
                When I came back I went to my desk and tried to complete the rest of my tasks. I still have to do some other things but I can get them done at home. I went home with a great time card and an excellent vision of my days work. My brain has just received the marvelous fruits of Earth and all it has to offer and I can’t wait for tomorrow.


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