10/06/14 by Richard Zarate

  Today when I got here, I went to my desk and Alex gave me some work to do. I updated the mailer list and put some labels on postcards. I mailed out the post cards. I did some scans for Alex. Today was the bake sale to support cancer, I bought 2 cookies and a cupcake and I donated a dollar. I went upstairs to contacting and filed some papers. I put back some folder into the drawers. I helped Maria put some papers together. I helped Osmara organize the food for the meeting. 
  After lunch, I helped Osmara organize some stuff. I went back to my desk and did some more scans that Alex sent me. I worked on my PowerPoint, I got pretty far and I feel good about it. My day was pretty simple, I wrote my blog at the end. Today was a great day.

  Why are scholarships important? I feel that scholarships are a benefit for anyone who gets one. Scholarships help anyone who doesn't have money, let's face it, the economy isn't good right now and probably your parents don't have much. That's why scholarships are important, you can get a free ride or get some money to go to the college. You don't want to finish college being in debt. This is why I believe scholarships are important. 


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