Enrique Cordero - 3/17/17 - Senior - IT

Today was a day full of Auto Cad. Today as I walked in I noticed Sean wasn’t in yet, so I head over to the kitchen to make a couple pots of coffee for everyone (including myself). When I was done, I walked back to the office to greet Sean. After our usual catch up Sean gave me the task of getting even more familiar with Auto Cad. I was to make a base for the Cameras for an invention Frank wants to put on the market. There were ups and downs but I eventually made it through with help of Sean, Stephen, forums, and Google.  When lunch came around, thankfully (because I forgot my lunch) Sean bought me some cheese fries. After I ate and looked at technology on the internet, I got back to work. Out of nowhere Auto Cad crashed and I lost everything. Thankfully, I redid everything within an hour or so. I had just enough time to reach a good milestone with the Auto Cad work and finish my blog. Lastly before I left, I changed the tape on the 3D printer.  
One conspiracy theory I have would be the Aliens that have already contacted us. I believe this because we can’t be the only smart things in the universe. Even if it is just bacteria, I believe there is life that someone knows about. 



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