Santino Lopez 3/10/17

Santino Lopez
9th Grade
Shield Department

Change the School
If I had to choose one thing to change about the school it would be how the freshman who work on Fridays are in one group of people the entire day instead of having different people in each class. I feel sort of isolated when I'm in just one class, like when I was expecting high school to be fun and I would get to meet a ton of new people, but nope, I've only met around 20 new people and that's it, because I'm stuck in one group with them. I feel cheated out of knowing everybody in the freshman classes at least a little bit.

My Day
Today was a bit different for a little. I did my morning things, but then Pam told em that the Governor would be visiting the building! I was really surprised and I wondered why he would visit, but I think it had something to do with the power outage. Pam told Enrique and I to go to the gate and direct people to the proper parking spot and the building. But the bad thing was that it was windy and it felt like 15 degrees outside! All I had was my pretty thin hoody, so having to stand out there for around 40 minutes greeting people was pretty painful. But the governor came and they had the meeting in the Tiger room and I'm assuming it went pretty smoothly. 


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