Santino Lopez 3/20/17

Santino Lopez
9th Grade
Shield Department

Ineligibility List
I do have a friend on the ineligibility list, but I don't think I should say their name. Anyways, some ways I could help get them off the list is by helping them out with what subject they are having trouble in. I could study with them in a study hall or just give them some tips on how to take notes. Another way that wouldn't involve directly helping them with school is just being there for them. Giving them emotional support and encouragement could really make a difference in whether they can boost their grade up or have it sink down.

My Day
Today I had a bit of a bumpy start, as it was difficult to find work. I did all of the work I was given Friday, which left me with none for today. Steve was able to scrounge up some scans and invoices but it only kept me busy for so long. For a while everyone was in a meeting which left me with no one to get work from. But once they got back, I asked around and they didn't have work for me. Eventually Melanie came back to her office and set me up with a pile of scans that kept me busy for the rest of the day. 


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