Santino Lopez 3/17/17

Santino Lopez
9th Grade
Shield Department

Conspiracy Theory
One conspiracy theory I believe in is that aliens exist. It's not very hard to picture, out in a vast galaxy that is yet to be explored could hold life different from ours. For humans to be the only sentient beings in a supposed infinite universe almost seems like a impossible thought. I wouldn't say I believe in flying saucers zooming across the sky or aliens captured at Area 51 but it would be pretty neat if those were true.

My Day
Today felt I felt more productive than usual. I started out with a large pile of invoices that I mailed within an hour and then I moved on to multiple emails of scans. The scans lasted until around 2, which was when I went over to Osmara's office and asked if she had any work for me. She set em up with a few emergency binders to update from some specific people. One of them was named Yesenia, though I did not recognize her name or face. When I went to go look for her on the second floor I asked her where Yesenia is, not knowing that she was Yesenia. She told me that Yesenia was fired which had me authentically confused. But she then told me that it was a joke and that she was Yesenia all along, so I was relieved then. I updated her binder and Bindu's then wrapped up the day.  


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