1~16~13 : Sustainability


As I arrive to ideal today my mind went through a phase of considerations. What was going to happen today? I already had an idea because Sylvia discussed last week of the meeting we were going today. As I walked through the doors of Ideal I saw Sylvia in the ADMIN’s office. We greeted each other and sat down. She had told me that there was some trouble with the printer so I had to help Amanda upstairs. No worry because I was to the rescue. Amanda was printing some papers and had me bind them. When we were done I went to Sylvia’s office.
In Sylvia’s office we discussed the meeting while I was putting stickers on some items. We talked about what was going to happen and what my expectations were. They were average because I just thought we were going to meet some people. Then she handed me something that I will remember for the rest of my life. My very own business cards! Bursting with joy, in my mind, she told me that if I were to meet someone interesting that I would give them my card. That was awesome and before I knew it we were off.
While arriving at the GM headquarters I was shocked. I was amazed at the huge building and the futuristic look they had. When Sylvia and I were inside my eyes were astounded. I had never seen such beauty and great design. GM headquarters is a great place to be in to see some of the best architecture I’ve ever seen. Then we set off to where the meeting was taking place.
At the room I saw many people dressed professionally. They were talking about a big subject, “Sustainability”. What I thought this was keeping something up or not to let it fall. An example would be like a company sustaining their employees. Well this was more about the nature sustaining fossil fuels and better solutions. Well many people talked about how they do this and Sylvia and I talked about Cadillac Urban Gardens.
This went on until about noon when we then had lunch. I had a small sandwich of turkey and lettuce with a diet coke. This was a good meal but the line was very long to other people. It wasn’t long to me because I was talking to Nicole Doyon. What she does is work with other people to create sort of a glue or compost made out of mushroom roots. An how this all started was that a farmer was digging out some wood chips and found a glob of mushroom roots and lots of woodchips stuck to it. Well two college students found out about this and studied this and started a company.
After lunch many other people talked about their proposal to sustaining this solution to a fossil fuel replacement. I heard many people talk and was very pleased on their absolutely great ideas. This was my first real meeting and it was one to remember. I am glad Sylvia brought me to this and I thank her very much.
After we returned to Ideal I wrote my blog and got ready to leave. This was a interesting and Outstanding day. This went twice as high as my expectations were.


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