
Happy New Year! Today is the second day of a whole new year. What's great about it is that I get to be the first intern to blog on the New Year. How awesome is that? Anyway, today I went to Ideal in a great mood. Although I may not express my feelings on the outside my heart is truly pounding. I couldn't wait to get to see all of my fellow co-workers.

I started by logging onto Frank's computer and checking my e-mail. Sylvia told me what I should expect to do and as always I wrote it down. I was going to get some mailing addresses and update the directory. That was pretty easy. I got it done and accomplished small tasks on the way. I did this up until lunch. Then I took my break.

At lunch I had a sandwich, juice, chips, crackers, and pretzels. They were all really good because I was starving. I really don’t know how long my break is so I just take around 20-30 minutes. After 30 minutes I went back to Frank’s office and continue my tasks.

After lunch I then went to work on some tasks and asked around the offices asking for any jobs to be done. I went to accounting and filed some receipts for a while and it kept me busy. I then was approched  by Sylvia and was asked if I wanted to go talk with Loren. I gladly accepted and walked to his office. While I was there Loren and I talked about our recent activities. We were interrupted by a phone call about a survey. Loren gave his time to talk with the man and I thought that was pretty cool. Loren is a very kind man to not just hang up like most people. I then left and worked my way to the end of my day and I packed my stuff and finished.

This was a dandy day.



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