1~28~13: The Fastest Day

When I entered the company of Ideal I was very awake. I arrived and said hello to Amanda. Amanda was the only one in the ADMIN’s office. There wasn’t much sound around because it was early in the morning. I sat at my desk and logged onto my computer. I checked my e-mail and I was ready for the day.
Amanda had told me that Sylvia had left some tasks for me to accomplish. I went to see Amanda for a package for Frank, then I updated the Senators and Reps list, and completed any unfinished tasks from last week.  As always I started on the jobs immediately. After about an hour Sylvia came in. As I was doing this time seemed to go by quickly. The minutes passed twice as fast for me.
After I was done with some of these tasks it was lunch time. Sylvia had left for lunch and Amanda was left alone as I went to the conference room.  Before I sat down I went to the vending machine and bought some chips. I took a seat and had a sandwich. I ate lunch and played around with my phone for the rest of my break.
I left the conference room and I went back to my desk only to find Osmara. She must have planned to take my desk all along and Amanda was assisting her. I went to Marketing and logged onto a computer there. I finished my tasks there and eventually completed them.

The rest of the day I did simple tasks. This was a awesome day.


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