1~23~13 : The Working Man

It is 8:20 in the morning. I am just walking in and everyone has been waiting for me. What would they do without me? When I arrived I saw Sylvia and Amanda at their desks. I said, “Hello”, and sat down. I asked Sylvia how she is doing and she said, “I’m good”. I then logged onto my computer and started my day.
While I was doing this Sylvia told me to follow her to Frank’s office and she gave me a list of things to do. This list included talking with Amanda, writing John Bradburn a thank you letter, making a folder on sustainability, watering Frank’s plants, and many other things. She also included going to lunch with Alexandria Ballard.
 My first priority was to write a letter to John. I had to hand write it on a piece of paper and then on a letter. I first wrote in pencil to be able to erase if I mess up. I then wrote it in a blue pen to make it look nice. I thought it looked pretty good actually. This took time and penmanship to do so I was kind of nervous if I were to mess up. I’m sure Sylvia would have me by my neck.
Another thing was to get some calendars and Scarcyny flyers for Alexandria. I set these up and went on to watering Frank’s plants. They were in pretty bad shape so I put the right amount of water in each on. If I put too much or too little water then they would surely die.
I was getting ready for lunch by now. Sylvia was putting on her coat and I knew we were leaving. I grabbed my flyers and head out to the car. We went to a Mexican restaurant named “Los Gallanes“. I saw Alexandria and talked for a little. I ordered my food which was enchiladas with rice and beans. It was very delicious. Sylvia and Alexandria talked a lot about getting some of the students at Western International High School to help us with Cadillac Urban Gardens. I talked about how I got into Ideal and the garden and how I see myself in all of this. We were there for about an hour and then left.
When I was back I finished most of my task list and asked what Amanda wanted from me in the morning. She wanted me to be the face of one of the newsletter articles. I could see why since I have really been involved in the community lately. I am to write about what I think of my new school, Cadillac Urban Gardens, and something about the supplier meeting on sustainability. This sounds like a good project to turn in next week.
The rest of the day I was finishing tasks and had a busy day. This was a great day. I hope to have one next week here at Ideal.


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