1~9~13 : The Ideal Day

Ah yes another day at Ideal. Sometime I wonder what I’m going to do but I never get it right. The days here pass by awesomely. All the little things make up the day: like seeing a smile or having someone thank you.

I started by walking into the ADMIN office and seeing only Amanda. Not too surprise she took out her spine and said hello to me while bending backwards- this is ordinary. I greeted her and asked where Sylvia is. "She's out for the moment but you can work at this computer," she said while pointing at my original computer. Could this be true? Has my old reliable computer is back? Yes, it was! I was bursting with joy in my head. I sat down and set up.

After logging in I checked my e-mail and saw many unread messages. I started to take a closer look and most of it was just daily sales and other things like that. I went through and saw some mail from Sylvia and checked it out. She wanted me to complete some tasks for her. As I  was reading them she came in the office. I greeted her with a friendly hello and went back to reading.  She went over with me the tasks I was supposed to complete and I was off. After a while I had almost completed the tasks and realize it was lunch time.

I went off to break and sat down at the conference room. I took out my meal and forgot something. I forgot my chips but it was ok because there is a vending machine out in the shop. So I went and bought myself some chips. As I started eating Osmara came in. She sat down and used her computer. Slowly, people started to come in such as: Sylvia, Amanda, Linzie, and Frank. It was nice to see all of us in one room because I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. The planets and stars must have been perfectly aligned. I read a book for my entire break and went back to work.

As I was heading back to work Frank told me he wanted to see me. I went straight to his office. He gave me a gift certificate to “The HoneyBaked Ham”. He said it was the best ham he ever had. Hearing this I thought, “this has to be some darn good ham.” I thanked him and left his office.
The rest of the day I spent doing small tasks as usual. This was a very “Ideal” day.



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