Christian Perales
November 3, 2015

Homecoming 2015

My experience at homecoming this year was great! In preparation for homecoming, my school had spirit week, in which the whole school took part in. Before homecoming, my date came to my house with her parents to talk to my parents and take pictures before the dance. After pictures were taken,  and compliments as well, I took my date to a restaurant to eat before the dance. After we were done eating, I called my dad to drive us to the gym where the dance was being held. When he arrived at the restaurant, he had me drive to the gym, but that was no worry because I had gotten my drivers permit from drivers training over the summer, that is also where I met my date. When we arrived I introduced her to many of my friends, who were very excited to meet her. After a little while more people showed up and the real fun had started. 
The music was playing, people were singing and dancing and everyone I saw was having a good time. The DJ played Bachata, which is a Hispanic type of dance, and my date didn't really know how to dance it well so I had to teacher.  She had gotten the hang of it pretty quick and we danced basically the whole time. Towards the end, the DJ played a few slow dance songs to end the night. When my date and I came back to my house, we watched a movie and then I took her home. Homecoming was very fun  this year. 


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