Enrique Cordero 11/05/15

                If I could fix anything in this world it would the horrible even of World War II, including the Holocaust, or everything that has happened in the Middle East for the past couple of decades. I would choose these specifically because incredible amounts of hate have been generated towards people who just want to right to their country and keep their families safe. Innocent people have been mass murdered because of hatred, racism, and people thinking that violence and war is the only way to keep peace and so-called dignity to their country. I would gather, if possible, some of the most rational, resourceful, and noble presidents we have ever had. I would also gather the most powerful men that aren’t built upon war and violence. The people would help me by gathering their nations and stopping the problems before they arose at all. They would help out by giving back to people who had nothing and grew to hate because they had nothing. They would help me think of answers before there were even problems. We would liberate the Jews before they were enslaved, and we would feed love to where it is needed the most- to the people who have always felt hate.

                Today was pretty eventful and I really felt productive. I started off by doing my daily dose of scans, begging to be put into Sugar.  As I did y scan Alexandra called me over and she gave me something else to work on so I would have work for me after the scans. As my eyes grew weary of looking at the screen, I took a break from scan and did the other assignment Alexandra gave to me. I just had to fill envelopes, glue them, and then stamp them. When I finished, I went back to scans and I eventually finished them. Next I was given my last assignment, to make and excel sheet for Alexandra.   It was around lunch time so I headed off. I talked a bit with Richard about how I was really eager to work in the summer here and ate lunch but I had some homework to work on. When lunch ended I went to work on the excel sheet. I didn’t get to finish my excel sheet because it is over a hundred cells. I finally did my blog and it marked the end of my shift.


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