Enrique Cordero 11/12/15

             My favorite place in Southwest Detroit is Downtown Detroit. This is because you see the culture, beauty, and freedom of Detroit there. I also really love going to Downtown because it makes me feel the prosperity that this city has. In Downtown Detroit you can see everything from technology, innovated architecture, to even an entirely different country. If I were to make Downtown Detroit better I would try to help solve the homeless problem there. Even though this is my favorite place, it makes me sad to see a homeless person around every couple of corners. I would also fix the old abandoned train station, along with other vacant buildings. Maybe we could convert those building into soup kitchens.

Today went by pretty slowly, at first, but then it really picked up around then thirty. I first checked in and did any scans as usual. After I had completed the scans I asked for more work and I ended up going to the steel office. There they taught me a bit in Adobe Photoshop. I had to take out the backgrounds so that the items were the only thing visible. I didn’t finish that coming lunch time so I postponed it until after. During my lunch I ate, talked with Richard, and lastly did homework for two of my core classes. After lunch I kept at it in Photoshop and finished around two thirty. When I was done Jenifer came to move me to the accounting office since they needed help. I helped for about forty-five minutes but I had to come to t my blog topic. At the end of the day, I used my last ten minutes to help accounting and waited for the bus.


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