2~10~13 : A meeting with SHPE

My walk into Ideal today wasn’t regular. I wasn’t feeling good and my allergies were acting up. Even with these punishments bothering me I still walked into Ideal with a smile on my face and a fresh mind for thinking.
I walked into the ADMIN office and saw Amanda Schmidke.  She was looking very professional and made the room light up. I took my seat and checked my e-mail. My inbox was very empty since I had just been here two days ago. The only mail I received was from Sylvia. She sent me a small task list to complete during her arrival here. I was to unload the dish washer and make some spreadsheets for inventory. I got started on these two small tasks and was complete. Sylvia was in the office by this time and she gave me some other things to do. While I completed one task she gave me another, and this happened repeatedly. The things she wanted me to do were small tasks and shouldn’t take more than ten to fifteen minutes to complete. I worked my way up to lunch and before I was going to leave Sylvia told me about a meeting I was going to attend with her. After this notification I went to eat.
At lunch I had a sandwich and some chips. I went to the shop to get my chips but the machine took my quarters. I don’t know why this happened so I asked one of the guys on break. I showed him what was going on and he didn’t understand. I went to show him physically and tried to buy something. The crazy thing is that the second time I tried this, the machine gave me what I paid for! I grabbed my chips and left thinking that I was, in fact, the crazy one. I was eating my lunch and Sylvia came to me saying that she was leaving for the meeting. I had to quickly grab my stuff and get ready.
I left to the meeting with Sylvia. While Sylvia and I were in the car she told me where and what the meeting was going to consist of. It was going to be at Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation and was going to be about planning a future event. The meeting was hosted by Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). They want companies to become sponsors and encourage others to attend their future events in Detroit. It was a great honor to go to this meeting and I hope to be more engaged in it.
After this meeting Sylvia and I went back to Ideal and continued out work. When I arrived back into the office I saw Osmara in my chair so I left to the Marketing office. I am happy to be a part of Ideal and am counting down the days until I come back.


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