4~17~13 : Managing a Team

I went into the office today already knowing that I was going to work in the garden. Last week Sylvia told me that I was going to manage some kids from the University Preparatory Academy Partnership that were coming to Cadillac Urban Gardens and Scarcyny Park for volunteer hours. When I walked into the office I saw Amanda and she told me to get ready. I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes so I wouldn’t get my school uniform dirty. I went back to the office and left to the park with Amanda.
Amanda and I conversed in the car while we went to the garden about school. Then I saw Sarah Clark and she led me up to her office. I went to her office for the first time so it was a cool experience. Then she gave me a copy of the task list I was going to get through. The list consisted of a trash sweep, cleaning up a lot across the street, spreading compost, and making a tool inventory for Scarcyny Park. It took some time getting everyone running but we got going none the less. With the students came a teacher who is their advisor. He was the one who helped me coordinate all these kids. The first thing to do was the trash sweep. We started at the end of Merritt working our way down to Junction St. The students split into two groups to tackle the two sides of the street. There wasn’t much trash, which was good. While we were going down the street the kids were having some problems so the advisor and I motivated them to get going.
While we were going down the street I noticed that there wasn’t much trash so I cleaned up the rest and made everyone head to the empty lot. The kids had some trouble picking up dirty trash but I set an example and started the sweep. Then the kids had no problem with the trash and picked up a couple of full bags. After we did all these things I let the kids go to lunch.
At lunch I went to the storage area to fetch out two wheel barrows and two shovels. The next thing on the list was to spread compost onto the plants so I thought that we were going to need these items. I noticed that the kids were still eating so I went ahead and started the task early. When the time was right I explained the job to them. Most of the kids started immediately but some didn’t move from their chair. They had been working all morning so I understood why they were tired. I talked to the kids who were sitting down and they claim that they were very tired. I had to motivate them and in a couple of minutes they were all working hard. I spread compost around the plants and the students helped me. It was a fun experience. Before I got to the Scarcyny Tool Inventory Check, the kids had to leave. I took some pictures before they left and wished luck onto them. This experience was very fun and I can’t wait until they come again next week.
After the kids left I cleaned up the tables and the garden and went back to Ideal. I was a bit nervous because I didn’t see anyone at the park or garden so that meant I had to walk back to the company. It wasn’t a long walk and it was nice to just relax. Right before I entered the gate I saw Sylvia and she was looking for me. I went inside and had lunch.
At lunch I had a sandwich with chips, and some Diet Pepsi. I didn’t know where to eat it since both conference room were taken and I couldn’t eat at my desk. I went to the shop and had my meal there. I saw many different types of machines back there and the workers who operate them. It was loud and hot in the shop but I liked it. It was better than the bitter silence that was fumigating my ears in the normal conference room. I was not doing anything at lunch but it was a time for my legs to calm down from all the running around I just did at the park. I looked back at the pictures I took and I really liked them. I was going to send them to Osmara to put them up in the Facebook page to gain some publicity. I was sure that she would be glad that I took photographs.

After lunch I went to Sylvia’s desk and talked a little about what should be my priorities for today. She said she wants my blog to be done and to update a task list. I went off to a desk in Marketing and started my blog. After I completed this I did some other small tasks and finished my day off with a smile. Today was truly outstanding.


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