Ideal Friday

Pulling into the Ideal Group parking lot, I noticed that Sylvia’s car wasn’t parked in her spot. I walked into the building and the Admin office lights were off and I started to think that no one was working today. As I kept walking down the hall, the accounting office was open so I knew someone was here. As soon as I went in through the door, I saw Amanda’s bright green pants and Theresa so I properly said good morning. Amanda told me that Jennifer wasn’t going to be here for half of the day so to go look for Sean. I went to the sales area and found him sitting at a desk, but told me to look for Kelly.
Kelly was back at her old desk and told me to get started on the filing and soon after start billing. I went to the back room in order to file. There was a huge stack of paper but I was determined to get it done! After I had finished and got started on the billing, I got a cup of coffee so I could stay up and be energized. I then went to lunch but was sad to see that I was missing my sandwich and only had cookies and carrots to eat. My lunch was pretty boring so I just started to work again.
I went to get a glass of water and got started on some billing there was plenty to do. After, I went to talk to Sean and he gave me a few invoices to enter into MAS. It didn’t take long before I finished so I went to look for Amanda. We had a talk about school and what was going. After my bus had arrived.


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