
My day at Ideal was different today. Catherine and Doug weren't here today so it was just me running the office. Since Catherine couldnt give me any work to do I went around the office to see if anybody needed my help. Virgina in sales asked me to file some new PO accounts for her. That was a pretty easy job because there wasn't that many to do. After that Sylvia instructed me to clean up the marketing office a little bit. When I was finished Gary from Ideal Surplus asked me to compare the prices of our products to our competitors on Ebay. I did a few of those and then I went off to lunch.

At lunch me and Mike from sales went to the B building where all our innovatory is located. That was pretty cool to see all of the bollards and stuff. When we came back I got right to work on Gary's stuff. This was a longggggggggg list so I didn't get a chance to finish it, but next week I'll be sure to finish it. Till next week keep it Ideal.


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